Monday, March 30, 2009

March 29, 2009


Today is Stephen’s birthday.  He’ll tell you for weeks that it’s just another day but in reality, he loves his birthday!  2 years ago (he turned 40) we had a huge surprise party for him and he was so shocked.  He told me afterward that aside from our wedding day and the birth of both children, that was his best day ever!  OK, I’m rambling. 

He bought himself a Play station 2 and 4 games.  He’s been in heaven ever since.  SD531719-1

We went out for Mexican dinner yesterday to celebrate (there is more today!) since we love Mexican food. 

How about this drink….




SD531720-1 I love this picture of him and Nathan!  We don’t get to take many like this and I need to make sure we do.  A lady told Stephen the other day that Nathan looked JUST like him.  That was nice to hear since everyone has been saying that both kids look like me all this time.


We got fried ice cream for dessert.  The kids had never tried it before.  Way to much fun!

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March 28, 2009

Welcome to opening day of baseball!!  Oh wait, here were the kids last night……SD531704-1 Yup, you guessed it, POURING rain!  I took this picture at 6pm and when we went to bed at 11pm, it was still raining cats and dogs!  We thought for sure that opening day wasn’t going to happen. 



I got up at 8:30 am to call the hotline to make sure nothing was happening… Oh it’s on!  Nathan and I were dressing and out the door in 5 min. since we were suppose to be on the field AT 8:30am!!!  I was in such a rush that I didn’t bring my back up batteries so here is the only picture I got…..


All the teams were on the field but I couldn’t tell you where Nathan is.   We did the opening day ceremonies but all the games were cancelled.  What a tragedy it would have been if we would have missed this!! I can’t even imagine.

March 27, 2009

Check out what we did in scouts tonight…..

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A volcano!!!  How cool is that?!?!?!  The boys had a great time getting messy and forming the mountain.   Sally used cider vinegar and the room was pretty ripe when all the volcanic action was over with.  Whew!

March 26, 2009



Yup, it fits!  We tried on Nathan’s uniform for opening day on Saturday.  He looks pretty good, huh?!  I know, no cleats on.  It was 8pm and raining with cleats in the truck.  Good enough to see that everything fits.

Man, I do love baseball!!! I can’t wait to watch my boy play.  *Note to self… remember this when it’s 101 degrees outside!*

Thursday, March 26, 2009

March 25, 2009

OMG!!!   I won blog candy!!    OMG!!! 

I was so excited when I got the email from Sarah Green.  I, like most of my blogging friends, put comments all over to try to win blog candy. 

imageSarah posted about a super cute bag  she made and was making one to give away.  I’m all about a cute bag!!  And this IS a cute bag, right?!?!  Right!!!

  If you haven’t checked out Sarah’s blog, you really need to!  She is real cute and does a great job out there blogging.

March 24, 2009


Do you have a bread box?   Well, I do!!  I’ve been wanting one for a LONG time.  Our counters just seem so cluttered the all the little things.  Bread, buns, cookie, muffins, etc.  Now they are tucked away behind this door and not looking all messy on my counter!  I think it was a bonus find at the consignment store in town for $12.

March 23, 2009

Today I opened my Etsy store.  I’ve been debating and not sure if I should.  Tanya and I have been talking and we agree that you need to post new things often but not all at once. So, I wanted to have a variety of things to put on there and not be in a rush. 



My first item for sale is my oven book.  I created it last year and didn’t feel confident enough to sell it on Ebay.  It really came out super cute.  Of course I hope it sells but will be sad to ship it away.


If you get a chance to check out my new store I’d love to know what you think!  You can find my store right  HERE .

Wish me luck! :-)

Monday, March 23, 2009

March 22, 2009


Wow, my little man is 8 today.  I woke up crying from a dream about him.  Not a good way to begin but it made me hug him a bit closer than normal.  He’s just getting to be so old, I love/hate it at the same time.



Not only is today his birthday, but it’s the release of Pokémon Platinum video game.  WHO KNEW?!?!  Oh the excitement of it all.  Here he is with his Pokémon birthday ribbon and the figure from the game (free when you pre-order the game). 


Off we go to Game Stop to get the game….

We thought the parking lot would be full… no, just 8 cars.  Nathan said “8 cars, that just isn’t right!”.SD531684    There is also the Official Game Guide that was a “must have”.  That book is thicker than a phone book and full of more information than my brain wants to even think about.  Nathan is in seventh heaven with all of it!!

When asked before bedtime if he enjoyed his birthday weekend… Nathan’s reply was with his eyes shut, smile from ear to ear and a long “YEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSS”!

March 21, 2009

Today ended up not being as busy as I thought it would. 


First, we all went to the Siegel Center to watch the robotics competition.  Nathan’s baseball coaches are mentors to a high school team that was in the competition.  Not sure that there was any lessons to learn about baseball there but it was pretty neat. 

SD531642When we got home, we had to set up for Nathan’s (totally last minute) birthday party.  Finding a place to hang a piñata in our yard was almost impossible.  We only have 1 tree and it’s old enough that none of the branches are close for even Steve to reach.  So, we improvised with a plant hanger and it worked great!    SD531643


Then we set up horse shoes for the kids to play.  I think they had more fun playing before they were told the rules!   This game didn’t hold their interest for very long so we headed inside for cake!


I was so not prepared for this party that there was no ice cream and I bought a 2 liter of Hi C when I had a fridge full of little hugs.  All the kids asked for more cake… never had that happen before!  All in all it was a good party.  Nathan got some great gifts and I think all the kids had a good time.  No one complained so that’s all that matters to me!


On a sad note… Spongebob didn’t do so well……

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March 20, 2009


I could not resist taking this picture.  She can’t do anything wrong while in this position.  She’s an angel.  No spanking needed.  No sassy comments.  I did resist taking the series of pictures after this one when I was waking her up…. not so sweet!!  Consider yourself spared! :-)

Thursday, March 19, 2009

March 19, 2009

I’ve been working on more birdhouses.  They are so much fun to decorate.  The light wasn’t the greatest but I really wanted to share.  I’ve been debating about opening an Etsy store and selling them.  I’m sure my hubby would love it so I’m not sharing that idea just yet.

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March 18, 2009

Here is my cruise layout for this week.SD531606   It was a bit harder this week because we had limitations.  We only had this:  1 piece of 12x12 cardstock, 1 piece of pattern paper, 3 brads, 2 flowers and a black pen.  There is only, I think, 1 more week left of this “cruise”.  It’s been so fun.  I might have to look for more challenges to keep me on my toes!

March 17, 2009



I sent her a card by mail and I’m sure it will be late. So I sent her one on Face book but somehow she had to search and search to see it and never could so I had to resend it.  Grrrr! So difficult to celebrate a birthday, huh?!?!


*please don’t look too close, not our best picture* *wink*

March 16, 2009

Tonight was the PTA meeting.  This month is art and music appreciation so the 2nd graders put on a show for us.  Guess what… Nathan is in 2nd grade! :-)  He’s in the 2nd row, 6th from the left.


They did songs that they use in the class to learn thing like…

the water cycle song (water travels in a circle, yes it does…it goes up as evaporation, it travels around as condensation, it comes down as precipitation, yes it does … YE HA!)

the globe song (I’ve got the whole globe in my hand,.)

the numbers song (5+5 is 10 you know, hurrah hurrah,)

And then they did a song with the teachers in the school.  Their principle, Mr. Joseph, wrote the song himself called “Within these walls”.  I got to hear it for the first time a week ago and it’s sooooo touching.  I tried to put the video on here so you could see but I can’t. Sorry.  Here are some of the words…..

Within these walls, we find our way, through all the rhymes and reasons, we hear day to day, within these walls, we always know, they’ll be special people here to help us grow.

Oh my goodness!  That whole song, with the teachers and students singing, was chilling.  Just a very special song and I’m very glad that Mr. Joseph chose the 2nd grade to sing it.

Monday, March 16, 2009

March 15, 2009

Sarah and I love to paint.  Well, it’s mostly Sarah that loves to paint, I just take the globs she applies and make them smooth!  So we were painting…


… and having a great time.  I saw on another blog how a woman made her own Easter egg wreath.  You know the ones in the stores are $20!!  I bought a wreath for $3.99, paper Mache eggs for $1.99/6 pack and had the paint at home!


What do you think of our finished wreath?SD531597   I think it turned out alright.  Could have used more eggs but I used all the ones we bought!  It will do till it’s time to change for the season and we sure did have fun painting!!

March 14, 2009

Welcome race fans to Richmond’s premier racing place.  We are so glad you joined us today here at Lakeside Methodist Church.  There is a buzz in the air and since we are indoors, the weather can’t spoil our fun.  Pack 759 has put together what we believe to be the “best” pinewood derby race in a 100 mile radius!  We tried to get interviews with our drivers before the race but there was a bit of chaos (they were busy playing tag) so we’ll just skip over that.

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Here we have the track and trophy table.  The blue line is to keep drivers away from the track before it’s their time to race.  Some of the drivers had to be told repeatedly to stay behind the blue line but no penalties were issued to any of them.


As you can see, once measured and weighed, the pits filled up fast.  None of the drivers could touch their cars once they had been weighed.  Nathan, being a favorite to win today, has already put his car in the pits.  His is on the right (it’s blue), 5 cars in.  He was positioned in between Matt (the green car) and Jack (red truck on the other side).  Should be an interesting race!


And they are heading to the finish line….

The excitement is overwhelming!!


And it looks like it’s gonna be close…

Will Nathan be the winner????

Stick with us, race fans!!!




Yes, yes Nathan is the winner in his Wolf Den!  Oh the excitement of it all.  He can’t believe it either.  And this, his rookie year, a major milestone for him in the scout world!



Here is his winning car up close for you, his fans, to get a better look at!  Happy racing and see you all again at next year’s Pinewood Derby!!

Friday, March 13, 2009

March 13, 2009

Ok, did you see my post for yesterday?!?!?  Could you see how nice it was outside?  Here is the front yard and back yard this morning at 7am!!!

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SNOW!!  What is going on?  Of course, it’s almost 3pm now and it’s all gone but still.  I’m just amazed to think that 5 days ago we were washing the vehicles sweating and now I have on a turtle neck and wool socks.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

March 12, 2009

Did you know we had a creek by our house?  It’s just up the road, down the bend, and at the Swim and Tennis Club.  What?  You didn’t know we had a Swim and Tennis Club?  HUH? Oh please.  Doesn’t everyone in Lakeside know it’s there?  Duh!        Ok, I admit, I had NO IDEA there was a Swim and Tennis Club in Lakeside.  It’s on the street that “T”’s with our street and so secluded who could ever find it?!??!  Crazy.  Oh and don’t bother trying to be a member.  It’s… are you ready… $700 a year for a family of 4!  Wha, wha, what?  INSANE.

Anyhow, there is a creek down there.  When the club is open we can’t be down there so we try to take advantage of it often.  If the kids had their way, we’d be down there day and night.  They love to get in the water (I think it’s gross) and look for “things”. 

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March 11, 2009


My gram is 76 today!  For the first time in YEARS I mailed her package early.. not on time or late.  I made her a brag book and huge magnet “O” & “X”.  When I asked her what she wanted for her birthday she requested just hugs and kisses.  Since we can’t do that, she got the next best thing!


I took this picture before I jazzed them up but you get the basic idea.  My mom said Gram had to clean off her fridge so she could put them up!



Grams bday book

Here is a sampling of the pictures in her brag book.  It is 6x6 and I protected each page so she can carry it in her purse.. and believe me she will!!  I will be surprised if it lasts till Christmas!  She’s a proud Gram and great Gram.  She should be!!

Love you, Gram!  XOXOXOXO

March 10, 2009


Here is this week’s cruise layout.  The subject was friends and I picked Christine.  You can tell it’s on older picture cuz my hair isn’t that long anymore!!  Also, the little boy is Jerreth, he was maybe 3 in that picture… he’s 14 now!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

March 9, 2009

We got the coach call…. Nathan is a (Cincinnati) RED!!!  Not our first choice in teams but it’s the rookie league so it’s alright.  LOL  We have practice tonight from 6-8pm.  My first year  dealing with after school activities, other than scouts.  Should be interesting.  Coach said, just bring his mitt and cleats if you have them.  Oh we have them!
