Wednesday, August 12, 2009

August 9, 2009


What to do on a lazy Sunday?  BBQ?  Sure.  But we are lazy. 

Oh, I know, play Gods of War II on the Play station 2.  SURE!  Sounds like tons of fun.  This game has become Steve’s most favorite game.  He tells everyone he meets about it… and he meets plenty being a driver for UPS!  Kratos (main character) is amazing in what he can do.  Hence, the name GOD of war!  DUH!

Steve informed me today that he will be investing in a PS3 when the new God of War III comes out.  It will only be able to be played on the PS3 so spending the $500 to get it is what MUST be done.  Just so long as we are clear when there are scrapbooking supplies that I MUST have, we are good!

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