Wednesday, June 3, 2009

May 31, 2009


Remember these 2?  The dogs from next door.  Quick recap:  They are brother and sister, the owners keep them outside all the time and Oh my, she is prego and he’s daddy/brother?!?!  Wha, Wha, WHAT?!?!? 

She had her puppies Friday night.  They got the 1 that died and threw it out.  I found her with another dead one today.  We tried to see if there were more but she had them under a shed, in a hole.  Can’t see much.  So, we left her alone.  I happened to look out the bedroom window and saw her with another dead one that she was burring.  So, 3 dead puppies.  Who knows what happened.  I’m not happy that puppies died but if they were sick, it was for the best. 

Tragic, very tragic.

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