SLACKER. Yes, that’s me. A slacker. No reason not to blog. None. Lots has been happening around here. Wanna see (and read)?! Come on….
The children went back to school. They are showing me their toughness with some silliness sprinkled in.
I managed to get a couple of her at her desk but wasn’t “allowed” to get him. I mean really, he IS in 5th grade. Geesh. I’m lucky I’m allowed to talk to him still. Pain.
He got accepted as Safety Patrol! His duties are to take care of Mrs... Brown’s day care kids at the end of the day. He does such a good job! Mr... Safety Patrol… MWAH! Oooppps. Can’t do that at school. sorry.
We heard that if you eat local honey, it will help your allergies. So, we bought some. Nathan takes a spoon full each day and it actually helps. Who knew?!?!
It does taste totally different from store bought honey. Much sweeter and doesn’t have an after taste. We went thru this bottle really fast. The farm we bought it from sells this size for $7 and will re-use old bottles. She didn’t offer a recycle bonus but it’s better that they re-use them. We will be back for more soon.
We went on our 1st field trip of the year to the pumpkin patch. It was very windy and a bit chilly that day. We had fun, though. I didn’t remember Nathan going again in the 1st grade but he might have. I wasn’t able to do field trips with him since I had no one to watch Sarah.
We painted the back steps. I would have rather changed out the wood to that man made stuff but Steve didn’t. So we painted them….
Sorry for it being so blurry! Here they are finished. I really like how they turned out. It figured that this was a project that “we” were going to do and ended up a project for me. Steve is NOT a painter and should not try it any more.
We added sand to the paint so they aren’t slick. It’s not as noticeable as I thought it would be but it works.
My baby girl finally has the toothless grin again!!!! Her adult tooth is already in behind those baby teeth so they had to come out. She had to put on the pig nose (laughing gas) and have Dr. Bob take ‘em out. It was really hard for her once the numbing wore off. Then it was hard to eat for over a week ( no, she’s not a drama queen *wink*). Both adult teeth are setting up shop very nicely. Oh and the tooth fairy brought her $5 for those super long rooted teeth.
Princess Peach and our Military man had a blast on Halloween night. We trick or treated the neighborhood behind our house this year. It started out as a beautiful night and just as it began to get dark… rain. I ran home to get the truck and drove them the rest of the night. We have so much candy, I don’t think we can eat it all before NEXT Halloween!
So, that brings us to November. Not much has happened so far this month. I re-did the 1st floor bathroom. I have all those pictures so I can do a post on them separately. All I’m gonna say is it’s green! LOVE IT!!
Turkey day is 2 days away. I’m ready. We are looking forward to a relaxing 4 day weekend. Ty might come and he might not. Our neighbors, Mark and Pat, might stop in for some turkey. Who knows. We will brine it like we always do. My plan is to eat around 1 or 2 pm so we can get a good nap in before it’s time for leftovers and pie. There will be NO black Friday shopping in my future. If there is some in yours, Good Luck and have fun.