Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Hey! Holla!














Yes, that is exactly what she was saying.  We were in line for the boat ride out to Fort Sumpter and she wasn’t quiet about it.  Everyone laughed.  Then she was embarrassed.

Whew!  We were busy this summer.  Or maybe we were just super busy in August.  I don’t even remember anymore.  What I DO know is that my 2 rug rats have exactly 7 more days of summer fun and it’s off to school!  This year may just be a hard one.  The boy is going into 4th grade but little missy is (finally) in Kindergarten.  We have open house for her Wednesday and him on Thursday.  Kindergarten gets a day all to themselves!  And you know what we say about that……

       HEY!   HOLLA!